Books by Kim Walker

Inspire: Creative Collision of Music, Politics, and Life by Kim Walker (Book Cover)


Creative Collisions of Music, Politics and Life | How to Surpass Yourself with Grace and Humor

INSPIRE helps leaders to identify, embrace and embody the key attributes of what it takes to excel as a transformational leader who creates a 300-year legacy. You’ll also have an overview of how 400 years of power and culture are intrinsically linked to legacy. The best part is, it’s simple and humorous, and you will have an expert dinner conversation.

How it works is that instead of working with a coach, I show you how to master the essential attributes for yourself, with templates and musical
examples. This frees up your time. Plus it means there’s no limit to how often you can use the leadership tools.

INSPIRE is for people who are interested to leave a legacy, make a dent in the universe and enjoy their life. If you want to achieve transformational leadership, then INSPIRE is for you!

Elevate Your Success by Kim Walker (Book Cover)

Elevate Your Success

The Most Inspiring Way to Take Your Success to the Next Level

Want to Radically Transform your Success?
Too often we believe that success is out of our reach, that it is somehow reserved for others.
In this book you will hear the inspiring messages of people who have elevated their success, and now empower others to achieve the same.
This collection of interviews will assist you to discover:
• How to turn your passion into profit
• How to turn your struggles into fulfillment
• How your beliefs can sabotage your success
• How your past can propel your future
• How your thoughts affect your success.

The book features inspiring success messages by people who have created success and their perspectives on what it takes.
Featured contributing authors,Nathan Bailey, David Coe, Anna Hartmann, Fiona Jones, Shandra Moran, Ivor Lok, Ed Ng, Samith Pich, Kim Tiong and Kim Walker.

Spirited Wind Playing by Kim Walker (Book Cover)

Spirited Wind Playing

The Performance Dimension

Peppered with tips, helpful hints, and personal anecdotes to illustrate real-life application, this performance guide is essential for any wind player interested in taking his or her virtuosity to the next level.

Internationally renowned bassoonist Kim Walker has compiled into one book the teachings and exercises that have made her known as an expert on bassoon performance, practice, and instruction.

From basics like posture, breathing techniques, and articulation to a survey of the performance practices of key woodwind and brass masters, Walker includes an analysis of each technique along with images and exercises that present the mechanics of each method.

Get my eBook: Power Hour for FREE!

Power Hour Business Breakthrough by Kim Walker (Book Cover)